
What parent devices and operating systems do you support?

The parent app is available on iOS (iOS8 and above), Android (KitKat and above).

What child devices and operating systems do you support?

apParent currently supports all Windows devices that run Windows 7 and up. We currently do not support Windows Phones as a child device.

How do I register my personal Windows device?

Sorry, but we only support school issued devices at this time.

Can both parents monitor the same child device?

Yes. A child device can be registered to more than one parent account. However, only one parent can monitor the same child if two accounts are logged in at the same time. For example, if parent B signs in while parent A is signed in, a message will be shown to parent A that parent B is now monitoring the device. To take back monitoring control, parent A can sign-out and sign-in.

Can both parents monitor the same child device at the same time?

Yes, but only when parents are logged into the same account. When logged into the same account, parents can monitor their children's screens concurrently. Both parents are able to lock and unlock the child's devices and the most recently applied action will take effect. For example, if Parent A locks their child's device, Parents A and B will see that their child's device is locked on their apParent app. Parent A OR Parent B can then unlock the device.

How do I make sure that the app is off and not using up valuable cellular data on my mobile device?

apParent is designed to turn monitoring off when it runs in the background. Any monitoring will also be turned off when your mobile device goes into sleep mode.

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